Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks
RXVT terminal install in 3 steps
Special characters should show up with a caret and a letter and blue if you're using vim. And if you're using vim getting rid of the DOSish carriage returns is easy. If you use the broken excuse for a vi clone from busybox you're in for some extra challenges.
Fortunately my vi use is pretty simple, but I dig vim on other boxes. I actually think I started with elvis on slackware back in the day.
I know nano will show some characters, but I tended to rely on the following over the years:
--- Code: ---sed -n 'l' foofile.txt
--- End code ---
Thing is, that doesn't work in busybox's sed, so I had to download gnused. I purposely introduced a bunch of invisible characters, and bummer - busybox sed doesn't pick those up.
Heh, I think I'm having my first nerd meltdown. Luckily busybox's cat doesn't incorporate -v, -T, -A, -E options (that's not really cat's job! - see my sig), but I'm kind of bummed that the code above doesn't work with busybox sed. ..off to research..
Still, in both nano and busybox vi, I *can* see characters like ^l , ^h, ^@, and ^K. Maybe that's enough for me...
For me I've bought into the whole busybox scenario, so I'm trying hard not to just do wholesale replacements with the core-utils. ...keeping it fun ....I think... :)
It good to be aware of busybox quirks, so when you get on another box that uses it like VMware's ESX you already know not to use the "s" command in vi and use sed instead. I'm not enough of a vi power user to know the differences between vim and elvis without looking them up, but I can conjure up some mean regex when I need to.
That's kind of the mindset I'm in - if something isn't built in, or is unnecessary, then perhaps back to the toolkit basics. Makes it fun. Elvis went beyond vi and turned into an html display, but I already had lynx for that....
Almost forgot - the most important URxvt setting is to get that NeXt scrollbar style. If it was good enough for Sir Tim Berners Lee, it's good enough for me... :) (I like it)
--- Code: ---URxvt*scrollstyle: next
--- End code ---
Makin' aterm jealous...
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