Some quick background, I'm trying to create a DOSBox distro - a LIVEUSB where TinyCore starts up and loads a FullScreen DOSBox. I'm largely following the setup described here:
http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=17948 I'm still very new to Linux, but when I'm motivated I'm a quick learner.
Now the question, while booting directly to Full Screen DOSBox was easy enough, I became concerned there might be issues with incorrect shutdown - especially since it's a usb device.
What I want to do is: dosbox && sudo poweroff
When I boot into X, and type this in the terminal manually it works perfectly: DosBox runs, when the user types the dos command 'exit', dosbox closes, poweroff executes, and the machine shuts down.
When I run 'dosbox && sudo poweroff &' from a file in /.X.d/ tinycore loads and immediately powers off. Amusing and frustrating. Basically both commands run concurrently there.
I attempted to put 'dosbox && sudo poweroff &' in /opt/bootsync.sh but it seemed to be ignored (not sure if thats because of my install type or a scripting error).
Is there another way to autorun this after X has loaded, or see a mistake?