I imported kodi iptv-simple, and kodi says it has a problem with the addon.
I looked at my xenial kodipup-lite, and the directory structure is off.
To the best of my memory, the directory structure is about /tmp/tcloop....usr/lib/kodi/i386-linux-gnu/addons/pvr.iptvsimple
The proper structure is /usr/lib/kodi/addons/pvr.iptvsimple/.
I copied the .../usr/lib/kodi/i386-linux-gnu/addons/pvr.iptvsimple/ to /usr/lib/kodi/addons/pvr.iptvsimple/
and now kodi pvr.iptvsimple works.
But of course this is a very temporary fix.
Until you get this fixed, how do I copy this using bootlocal.sh.
I put a sudo cp , in bootlocal.sh, but it didn't seem to do anything.
Do I need to copy this earlier using bootsync.sh?