Dillo, like a *standard* issue of TC / piCore itself, relies upon the fltk toolkit. Fltk/flwm prides itself on being low resource and with very small window decorations so you can concentrate on your job, not eye candy.
What this means is that unlike other distro's full-blown desktop environments, there are no "appearance" tabs, where you automatically boot up to the highest resolution your screen can support, and start to change all sorts of icon sizes, bar sizes, widget sizes etc, to make it nice for your monitor.
With fltk / flwm, instead of a full blown appearance center, if the appearance looks microscopic and you have to use things like the minimize / maximize / close widget with the skill of a surgeon, fonts are teeny weeny, what are you supposed to do to get the look reasonable to you?
You change (usually lower) your monitor's default resolution to your liking.If your TC box is a video / photographic or mass entertainment consumption device, then changing your resolution might be a deal breaker for Dillo, as the interface icons may be just too uncomfortable to navigate.
You've all seen the Tinycore "install" videos, and other quickie installation sites where they boot up TinyCore and gawk at how SMALL it seems out of the box. Maybe they will just adjust the icon size in the Wbar and call it quits in frustration. They never took the next step!
If they only knew that the "appearance control center" for the standard TC installation is to change your monitor's resolution to fit your needs instead! Repeat after me, TC is not a distro, but a "toolkit". Let's use those tools!
Actually changing your screen resolution is covered elsewhere, like using the Xvesa button in the control panel, or for the PI's, editing your config.txt file.
So now you are running at a non-native resolution. For instance, my HP monitor has a native of 1920x1080 but that is waaay too large for use with a standard TC for my needs. Typically I'll reduce that to a smaller 1024 x 768 or thereabout for use with TC/picore. Find your own comfort resolution. Fire up Dillo, and see if you can handle the icon sizes for the user interface.
"But my monitor doesn't look good at that resolution!"
Hmm. Might be time to upgrade. OR, go into your monitor's own menu system, and see if there are any adjustments you can make to overall sharpness and clarity at this non-native res. With my modern HP monitor, at native resolutions, some of the options seemed to serve no purpose or made things worse. But AHA! At 1024x768, the "HP +" option really cleaned it up. You may have your own manual or automatic options.
So don't be afraid to explore monitor settings that you may have never touched before now that you are running at a non-native res.
Heh, and we haven't even touched Dillo configs yet. If anything, maybe this will serve to help those who can't seem to find the "appearance center" in TC.