dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

How do you go about remastering dcore?


I have read all the remaster guides in the wiki.

All of these guides seem to apply to tiny core.

Where are the guides for remastering dcore?

How much in the tiny core remastering  guides apply to dcore?

Is it possible to modify ezremaster OR qremaster to work with dcore?

Jason W:
Remastering dCore is pretty much the same as Core.  dCorePlus is basically a remastered dCore, extensions in a remaster go in /tmp/builtin.  They can in a directory named /cde at the root of the CD for a cdrom image.   

The existing remastering tools could be modified  to work with dCore, but so far there has not been much demand for it. 

What I do when packing and unpacking dCore images is use a simple script and make the changes to the files within  them.  To unpack an image, I use the below script named dCoreunpack.sh with the usage "dCoreunpack.sh dCore-trusty.gz" to unpack dCore-trusty.gz into a rootfs directory:

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh


if [ ! -d rootfs ]; then
mkdir rootfs
rm -r rootfs/*

cd rootfs

zcat ../"$CORE" | cpio -i -H newc -d
cd -

--- End code ---

Then to repack, I use the below with the name dCorepack.sh and the usage "dCorepack.sh dCore-trusty.gz" to repack dCore-trusty.gz:

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh

REPO=`cat rootfs/usr/share/doc/tc/repo.txt`
RELEASE=`echo dCore-"$REPO":$(date "+%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M")`
echo "$RELEASE" > rootfs/usr/share/doc/tc/release.txt
echo "$RELEASE" > dCore-"$REPO".latest
cd rootfs

find | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -2 > ../"$CORE"
cd ..
md5sum "$CORE" > "$CORE".md5.txt

cd -

--- End code ---

These scripts should be run with root privileges.

Jason W:
If remastering a dCore cdrom image, it is the same as any remaster of a cdrom.

How do you use gzip to gzip a archive.

I tried it and found that it would make a individual gz file of every file in the folder.

I just want to make one big zip file, not a bunch of little ones.

Jason W:
What I do is use tar on the directory involved, then gzip that tar archive of the directory.   


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