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Thank you vinceASPECT. Now we have 2 sites that works with Dillo. and doesn't work with Dillo.
This is cool that you can watch yt 3gp videos even on Pentium 200 mhz and 128 MB RAM without HDD. Thanks to TC and mplayer.

Yes. .........also works on "Links browser" and maybe elinks too.  You can.....

search any video topic,
then click on a particular video
then click on the download file type and select one
then cilck download
and then select to DISPLAY the download
then from the resulting page........... select from the Links menu "copy current URL"

Then you can open that video URL in some player... (mplayer etc)

you can do that for the smallest Video and Sound qualities..........and open them in a DUAL URL input player
such as MPC 

MPC can open two URL's in for video and one for sound (synced up)

i believe Mplayer can also open multiple URLS in synced tandem.


As for on a somewhat regular web go into preferences and select


Then when you choose to watch a video you can choose the 144p quality........i believe you are then getting the smallest possible video file and also the smallest possible Audio file together.  (in the browser player)

THis is UNLIKE the youtube web page....... where when you select 144 it's actually giving you the second smallest 144p file and quite a large audio file with it.

You can check by seeing the FEED ID's in "stats for nerds" on for some movie............. and comparing it to the available feeds list from youtube-dl  (for that same movie file)


Yes. With regard to that website

it may even play the videos directly in TCL Opera 9 browser. 

Or at least, you may be able to "right click" the video window  and select "play" or "copy link" and then open it in mplayer.

You can certainly copy the video's download links (offered) and stream them in some media player.

I usually choose the lowest file size.  144p mp4.....and the lowest sized audio..........
 audio/webm 56k or 64k.

If you so desire you can just click the "speaker icon" that is below the video and then it will just play the audio of the movie.  Useful.



for anbody running old mplayer systems and Laptops etc....who are using third party reflector sites such as   OR

you can use these websites in fairly old tiny web browsers .........such as LINKS graphics mode...... or LINKS without graphics

You can set the tonvid search to DATE priorty or VIEWS and you get the exact same results
as the youtube webpage search. You can then right click any displayed result to get it's youtube link and paste that into search bar. That reveals the video of your choice.  So those mechanisms are identical to a youtube webpage search.

Inside the can then select your lowest quality video feed like 144 mp4 and the lowest audio feed like AUDO/WEBM 52K opus......  and click "download" for each..... then click "display" for each..... and then click at the menu bar above for "copy current URL" for each.....

Take those URL's along with below

mplayer -vo X11 -zoom -cache 4192 -really-quiet -autosync 0 "the video file link" -audiofile "the audio file link"

Double clicking mplayer GUI or pressing "F" will toggle fullscreen and the "-aspect" flag will get you what you need if you need to alter it.
Either 4:3 or 16:9  (-aspect 16:9)

this gives you the most economical way to watch a youtube video in comparison to the actual
youtube web page of that same video........ which would use about 6 times more data.

You hardly see or here any real difference in quality here.

So you get 6 videos for the price of 1......really.  (data)

If you just want to listen to music.....just do the above for AUDIO only. That is also very economical on data.

Peoples milage may vary depending upon which tiny web browser you are using  (dillo) or whatever.

it's just a way to open 2 simultaneous mplayer streams AT THE SAME TIME and play them in sync.
Video and Audio.



with regard to the last post

when using the  LINKS--non--graphical web browser........and after following the first step above of DISPLAYING a url

i think you then just pres SHIFT+G and also press CTRL+B
which will put the displayed url into  clipboard

 and then you can just paste the URL into mplayer..... using a middle mouse click........ or CTRL+V or Right-Click paste


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