dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86_64 Imported Extensions



Jason W:
minitube-2.9 is now in the prebuilt repo.  minitube-2.8 will still be available.

Jason W:
minitube-2.9 no longer works, and Minitube version 3.0 which as been released depends on a version of QT that is newer than that in Ubuntu bionic.  So minitube-2.9 and minitube-2.8 have been removed from the prebuilt repo.

What is similar and does work is youtube-viewer, the PPA is available and mentioned in the below thread:


It has been tested with dCore-xenial, dCore-bionic, and dCore-bionic64.  The same PPA works with all of them. 


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