dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86_64 Imported Extensions



Jason W:
dCore-chrome-stable-installer is now uploaded to the prebuilt area.  You have to have a browser already installed to use this extension, and choose the .deb package which is the default on the Chrome download page that is brought up by the installer.  I have tested the resulting google-chrome.sce on a basic install of icewm, and xorg-all.

I am populating the prebuilt section with the usual apps - emelfm2, xmms, dCore-firefox-installer, dCore-flash-installer, dCore-usbinstall, gqview, flwm_topside, truecrypt, veracrypt, etc.  I am not creating a thread to announce each, but if there are any issues with them, open a thread for the one in question.

in the dCore wiki  http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:extensions it says

--- Quote --- dCore-google-chrome-stable-installer Command: This command must be imported using sce-import dCore-google-chrome-stable-installer. It has no associated –help file. It is used to convert Google Chrome browser into an SCE. Note the script was not functional when last tested as Google has changed their download process and Terms of Service, patch submit welcome!
--- End quote ---

Is this still the current status?

Jason W:
dCore-google-chrome-stable-installer works with the x86_64 dCore ports as Chrome is available from Google as 64 bit only.  The installer opens the download page for Google Chrome.


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