Tiny Core Extensions > TCE News
Nvidia modules version 384.90 submitted for TC-8
In the big picture, a lot of things in life are much more important than one's "geek projects" (*) - I've been focusing on those things a lot myself lately. :)
(*): subjective but, I think, generally true.
The Nvida extensions are for recent video cards (from last few years) only unfortunately..
From GeForce 400 series and up, including their latest 10 series
<panic> Not my Zotac GTS 250?
For some reason I am only able to build the kernel module which supports the card's I have. Since my 200 series went belly up! I only have newer hardware to build on..
I have included the build script with the latest Nvidia drivers which should install the driver for you and create an archive which we can use to build an extension if you'd like to help??
I'll have a crack at it - probably around Christmas time.
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