Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks
making python package extensions
Making python extensions isn't particularly difficult, but there are a few tricks to doing it(these steps are made to be used with the creating extensions wiki page):
* use tce-load to load python and python-setuptools. You might also need compiletc. You will also need squashfs-tools , submitqc , and the other tools used for creating extensions.
* run python setup.py build
* run sudo python setup.py install This is very verbose. If it said it was installing anything into a directory other than /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/, make a note of that. You will need those paths later.
* Replace package-name with the name of the package. do mkdir -p /tmp/package-name/usr/local/lib/python2.7/stie-packages If the installer installed files to additional directories, make them under /tmp/package-name/. For example if the package installed package-program to /usr/local/bin/, you will need to do mkdir -p /tmp/package-name/usr/local/bin/.
* Copy the package files. You can do ls /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/, and see what files there are there that have package-name in their filenames. you will need to do cp /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/package-file-name.ext /tmp/package-name/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ for each of them. If things were installed to different directories you will need to install them there, for example if it had /usr/local/bin/package-program, you would do cp /usr/local/bin/package-program /tmp/package-name/usr/local/bin/.
* run less /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/easy-install.pth. If any of the lines has a filename with package-name in it, you will need to copy that line and use it.
* If it added a line in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/easy-install.pth, you will need to make a startup script to do that when it loads itself. do mkdir -p /tmp/package-name/usr/local/tce.installed. Then do vi /tmp/package-name/usr/local/tce.installed/package-name. You will need to make the file like this:
echo '<easy-install.pth_line>' >> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/easy-install.pth
replace <easy-install.pth_line> with the line you copied from easy-install.pth.
* if the package you were compiling had a LICENSE, COPYING, or other similar file, you can do mkdir -p /tmp/package-name/usr/local/share/package-name/, than copy the file to it. Note that you still have to mention what license it is in the .tcz.info file(possibly with a note to see /usr/local/share/package-name/COPYING, with COPYING being whatever the name of the license file is.
* Do steps 4-7 in the wiki guide.
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