dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

Cannot start application from Ondemand entry

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Yes they are. The automatically created entries won't work becuase of the list files difffering in name from the executables. furthermore, I want to include some start commands into the ondemand file.

The problem, however seems rooted somewhere entirely different. Indeed, when I call these commands from the command line, they do NOT produce a working executable, as described in my previous post. (This is contrary to my first post!) In fact, I wonder how this could be. I am setting up three computers anew in parallel so the installations are pretty clean.

I forgot to mention that this happens on the current stable release as well as on the latest release candidate.

Jason W:
For one thing, "list" files are named .lst and not .list.     Perphaps I can add the ability for sce-deb2sce to include a PACKAGENAME.deb2sce startup script that is in the same directory as the .deb file being worked with.  As ondemand entries are not made for that. 

Jason W:
ondemand gets the name of the executable from the .desktop file belonging to the main package, not the name of the extension whether it has a .lst file or not.   Or the full path to the executable if found by the 'which' command.    If neither exist, then of course will not work. 

First, re-import the SCEs that have list files with .list so the are X.lst, wireless.lst, etc.  It may not fix things but it will rule out it being the error. 

Okay, back at trouble shooting after some (totally sober!) days at the Munich Oktoberfest.

I am certain that this whole issue is unrelated to ondemand menu entries. Here is what I did: re-imported owncloud-client without any dependencies, producing 'owncloud-client.sce'. As before, ''sce-load owncloud-client'' does not provide an executable. The following links are present:

--- Code: ---sm@aa1:~$ ll /usr/bin/owncloud
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Okt  4 22:07 /usr/bin/owncloud -> /opt/ownCloud/ownCloud/bin/owncloud
sm@aa1:~$ ll /opt/ownCloud/ownCloud/bin/owncloud
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 66 Sep 25 21:55 /opt/ownCloud/ownCloud/bin/owncloud -> /tmp/tcloop/owncloud-client.lst/opt/ownCloud/ownCloud/bin/owncloud

--- End code ---
The reason why this is a dangling link is that under '/tmp/tcloop/' there is no 'owncloud-client.lst'' but only the following:

--- Code: ---sm@aa1:~$ ll /tmp/tcloop/owncloud-client/opt/ownCloud/ownCloud/bin/owncloud
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2194976 Sep  5 20:50 /tmp/tcloop/owncloud-client/opt/ownCloud/ownCloud/bin/owncloud*

--- End code ---
The same was present in my posting of 2017-09-29, 10:12:43 but tab-completion made me overlook it.

This is all independent of how user-created list files are named because there is none involved. However, dCore seems to produce an invalid link somewhere in the process. The loading of the extension does run quite too fast considering the 147 packages included in the 112 MB SCE-file.

Will keep testing.

OK, got some more resuts in the mean time. After loading the extension from the command line without any other extensions loaded (boot-code "base"), I get an executable that is missing the following dependencies: libQt5DBus, libQt5WebKit5, libQt5xml5 and libowncloud.so.0.

Checking '/usr/local/sce/owncloud-client/owncloud-client.md5sum', I find all but the last mentioned libraries present but with "ocqt562-" prepending their names. This seems to indicate that the repo provides some specific versions of these libraries but that dCore does not know how to handle these.

May I ask for verification of this? Please import onwcloud-client using a repo file containing

--- Code: ---http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/ownCloud:/desktop/Ubuntu_16.04/ /
--- End code ---
Load the extension and run ''owncloud --help''.

I have been wondering how I managed to get 5.5 GB of data synchronised to this machine but I suspect that I had originally imported the extension from the standard Ubuntu Xenial repo and not from the up to date repo mentioned above.


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