Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
coreplus 8.2
hi guys
flash is loaded in firefox
some sites play sound vimeo and other sites
some do not youtube
just a question
i have linux mint 8.2 xfce with firefox and their addons
plays everything
can this be cannibalized to make a firefox + addons tcz
might save some work
since they will get the stuff together each release
they will also support flatpaks in 8.3
cannibalize a firefox one
maybe make a script
load up mint plus addons
script makes a tcz
ok lets analyze this
correct me if im wrong
sound plays fine on computer
sound plays fine on some websites
adding deleting plug ins changes what sites will play
ff in mint plays all sites fine
ff in mint has a load of different plug ins
its got to be one or more missing plug ins for firefox
how can i get all the plug ins mint has and put them in ff in tinycore or
how can i transfer the ff and its plug ins from mint to tiny core
dont know its quite a maze of links and binaries in there
but thats my mission
couldnt even think of doing this with any other distro
tinycore is a leggo set
best designed distro there is
i looove tinycore --- wolfman jack
Do you have Pulseaudio running?
@ulfr it’s possible and quite likely mint have compiled ff with Alsa support since AIUI the alsa code is still present in ff source code. Mozilla simply disabled alsa support for whatever the reason... meanwhile the Mozilla developers have built in support for pulseaudio. Their reasoning is pulseaudio resolves all of their sound issues and is provided by most larger distro’s by default.
This move to support pulseaudio doesn’t help us at all, leaving us with only a few options..
You could compile ff with alsa support as pre-v52.0 once did.
It’s not practical to compile each new ff release for the tcz repo as their latest version often makes the last extension obsolete before it had chance to make it into the repo!!
The easy solution is to install “pavucontrol” extension and use it to configure pulseaudio (which is not intuitive when it comes to configuration of hardware and streams).
If you don’t mind the overhead then use pulseaudio, or better still use pavucontrol extension which provides an intuitive graphical interface with pulseaudio providing easy hardware configuration. Audio stream redirection and a volume control to boot!
Apulse works great in most scenarios. However since it provides only a few features from the full pulseaudio you may find it doesn’t support your specific hardware configuration.
In which case you have to install the full pulseaudio application.
Unless you are familiar with configuration of pulse audio I’d simply install pavucontrol
Most website developers test their multimedia on the main os’s and major distro’s only which leaves us a little in the dark as to which additional audio extensions we need to load to provide support for our fav web sites.
Despite popular stories to the contrary Flash is still used by most multimedia websites. You’ll always need the latest version of flash installed for those sites which fail to function without the latest version.
Sorry if I made any typo’s, it’s hard to write more than a few words on Tapatalk. I’ll review the post ASAP on a PC
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
thanks for all the help and info
seems like a very complex issue
and possibly will get only more so with firefox 57 etc
i loaded pulseaudio.tcz so i guess it is running
i would like to make a tcz
or what i often use a directory linked in
(so it doesn't have to be squashed)
and include as much of firefox and its add ons as possible
so one could easily switch between different ff versions on the same core
since mint seems to have set up a version of firefox that has all this
why not use that to start
by just copying out what they have into a link dir
no reason to duplicate work already done
however its a maze of links in there
so ill have to figure out what i need and where it is
anyway it will be a lot of fun
my work around now is that i just download the videos
and play them in vlc
any ideas on doing this are appreciated (but only if you have the time)
thanks again
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