dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
sce-upadte indicate wrong updates
Running sce-update I see
--- Code: ---==== base updates ====
alsa-modules-4.8.17-tinycore dCore custom prebuilt
input-joystick-4.8.17-tinycore dCore custom prebuilt
--- End code ---
while in base I don't have those files and base has no .dep file
--- Code: ---sce-update kernel-all-4.8.17-tinycore.sce
--- End code ---
there are no updates
Jason W:
I think the triggering an update or addition of alsa-modules-$kernel and input-joystick-$kernel is correct if you imported base.sce before I added alsa-modules-$kernel as a dep of alsa-utils, and alsa-modules-$kernel has input-joystick-$kernel listed as a dep of it. I imported the same base.sce you have with the same /opt/debextra as part of testing enlightenment, and it contains alsa-utils and was also imported before I added the alsa modules as a dep of alsa-utils. My base.sce did not contain the kernel module packages, but sce-update listed them in /tmp/updateavailable as updates, and updating base.sce installed those packages. And running "sce-update base" after that saw no needed package updates.
Re-import base.sce or update it and after rebooting run "sce-update base" to make sure you see no need for updates. I am very interested in sce-update or any other dCore functions being 100% error free, thanks for testing and reporting.
--- Code: ---sce-update base
--- End code ---
indicates no updates available, so it's ok.
Jason W:
I have updated sce-update to behave like the following, it means the removing of the Recommends and Suggests option during sce-import. I will not even take a poll on keeping the Recommends and Suggests options as they were a test of concept, but they are completely not in keeping with the dCore way. They simply turned what would be a 20 or 30 megabyte SCE into one that was about a Gigabyte that included many unrelated packages and it is not in keeping with the dCore way. Though I am not criticizing those options for a Debian/Ubuntu hard drive install. And by trimming the Recommends and Suggests from the DEBINX data, sce-import and sce-update will see better performance.
If base.sce does not have alsa-modules-4.18.7-tinycore and a it has been added in the dependencies on the server, the running sce-update on base.sce would produce the following in /tmp/updateavailable:
--- Code: ---==== base updates ====
alsa-modules-4.8.17-tinycore dCore custom prebuilt is missing in base.sce or it's SCE deps.
input-joystick-4.8.17-tinycore dCore custom prebuilt is missing in base.sce or it's SCE deps.
--- End code ---
And once updating with that info, if those dependencies are removed on the server but contained in base.sce, then running sce-update on base.sce would show the below:
--- Code: ---==== base updates ====
alsa-modules-4.8.17-tinycore is no longer needed by base.sce or it's SCE deps.
input-joystick-4.8.17-tinycore is no longer needed by base.sce or it's SCE deps.
--- End code ---
This would be the case whether prebuilt, extra repo, main repo, etc. It should help save confusion on sce-update by giving more specific info in /tmp/updateavailabe. I will test this more and upload tomorrow. And the Recommends and Suggests option is now removed.
The missing info means that it will be auto imported I guess
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