Hello Misalf,
I showed your console prompt, it's nice. But trying to modify my prompt adding desired codes it does not run. Console prompt I want to put is next:
PS1='\n\033[01;31m(\033[01;33m\($date +'%A %F %T:%S')\033[01;31m)\033[01;35m:\033[01;31m(\033[01;36m\w\033[01;31m)\033[00m\n\033[01;31m[\033[01;32m\u\033[01;35m:\033[01;34m\$\033[01;31m]\033[01;33m>\033[01;37m· '
Where, after showing your prompt, variables are ...
%A - Week day.
%F - Full date, year begining.
%T - Time in 24h format.
%S - Seconds.
I tested all %A-%Z variables, but I can't load these variables if your prompt was not loaded before. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can you modify my prompt right?