Hi folks,
My server runs to cron jobs, one at 6am and the other at 10am.
The one running at 10am has been failing to run and generate logs for the last few days.
I am using mmonit to monitor a few process's and restart them if required, such as samba and sshd
I'd like to add crond to my list of monitored process's and restart it if it fails for any reason.
I've searched my microcore os and found crond in the following locations
$ sudo find / -name crond
/etc/init.d/services/crond contains code
/usr/sbin/crond seems to be a binary.
I've tried running
/etc/init.d/services/crond (start|stop|status)
and had no effect.
I used top to check the pid of crond and it remains running no mater what. I do however see a bunch of new process's for the commands I just tried e.g.
/etc/init.d/services/crond (start|stop|status)
Any suggestions and ideas welcome