Thank you for adding that info.
I found something where someone had :,q,w,enter and wondered just WTF. It makes sense now of course, because I have been playing with Nano, just a different editor, different key strokes.
I will give this a go a in a day or two and report back.
Again, thanks folks for your help here. Didn't expect such quick replies. Feeling rather optimistic.
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Spent a chunk of today setting up Raspbian on the included Transcend uSD card, getting how I did it on the first uSD. That's now functional and secure, sorted and usable.
If I want to be paranoid, I can always close all outgoing traffic and only permit IPs/URLs that I want to use. UFW is installed, running and it all just works.
Looking forward to getting piCore up too.
Ya know, now I have spent a chunk of time having to do stuff in Linux (a VM with Mint was too easy to just close and carry on in Windows), I am beginning to think Windows may become a redundant OS on the new system! I think Wine or PlayOnLinux may add a level of fiddling I don't need with a new build. That said so will Windows 10 - huff.
Time for sleep, fresh start and first time system building tomorrow