Has anyone tried using the "Google CUPS Connector" script to set up a Google Cloud print server with PiCore?
This is the Google script info I am referring to:
https://github.com/google/cloud-print-connectorIt would make sense to go this route so that chromebook PC's could then interface to pretty much any USB printer supported by CUPS. Currently you are limited to only cloud print enabled printers, but there are many, many early printers out there that would get a fresh lease on life with this. For example, I still use a HP Laserjet 1200 that has almost a million printed pages registered and I see no need to give it up yet.
Just wanted to know if anyone has tried this yet with PiCore. A RPi makes the perfect dedicated server and PiCore pretty much eliminates the possibility of corrupting the OS during power failures. It truly becomes a maintenance free fix for cloud printing locally.
I did a few searches through the forum search bar, but didn't see anything around this topic. Hopefully someone has played with this already.
Thanks in advance for any info you can point me toward.