Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

BCM43228 Not showing up.

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I am trying to install the BCM43228 WiFi adapter on a HP Thin Client T510.

Installed the WL modules
I need to blacklist the bcma, ssb and b43 modules for this to work.

I tried editing the /etc/modprobe.conf by adding

blacklist ssb
blacklist bcma
blacklist b43

after reboot the changes are gone, I am new to Tiny Core and are confused  :-[ all the time so bare with me here.

I cant use F2 F3 F4 at boot prompt to edit the bootcode because it is installed on a 1GB Flash IDE?

I just want to use this Thin Client as a online radio. Ifconfig and iwconfig tells me there is no Wlan0... lspci tell me there is one...

Click WiFi icon below... Green Sudo cursor appears and then nothing.

sudo wicd-start "command not found" <- Wicd is installed

I don't know what i'm doing and are at loss here.

Welcome evertvaningen

To blacklist any module simply add the modules to the boot config file

Append this boot code to the boot conf file

Note: boot config file location depends on how you installed tinycore to a USB thumbdrive.  Most likely "extlinux.conf" will be located iin /tce/boot.      If lost, then use the find utility from the terminal to find all config files

--- Code: ---sudo find / -iname "*conf"
--- End code ---

I suggest reading the core  book for valuable insight to core fundamentals

If you have an Ethernet connection available, you wouldn't need to blacklist the b43 modules, but you would need to cut the firmware from Broadcom's own drivers.  Using firmware-getb43 extension simplifies that task and creates the required firmware extension for you

I strongly recommend the wifi.tcz (extension) over any other wifi connection app.   Honestly I've tried wicd but have always returned to using wifi.tcz extension for long term use.  It's up to you, there are many options.

For wifi,  all that is needed is
any modules specific to the hardware
and firmware-(foryourhardware).tcz



--- Quote from: evertvaningen on June 12, 2017, 12:41:14 PM ---Thank you for your reply.

I looked in http://tinycorelinux.net/book.html
What is the location of the Boot config file?

--- End quote ---
sorry i was late adding that info to my last post


--- Quote from: evertvaningen on June 12, 2017, 12:41:14 PM ---I looked in http://tinycorelinux.net/book.html
What is the location of the Boot config file?

--- End quote ---

If you installed with tc-install extension.
The default route is /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
Or /mnt/your_disk/boot if you choosed vfat as your filesystem.

Append this boot code to the boot conf file

to /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf

.... black screen on boot... second boot no problem :P

It worked! Eth1 was added to Iwconfig


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