I think you missed my point. Of course extensions are user provided, and there is some wiki material describing the publishing process. The goal of my proposal was to address some big problems I had using TinyCore and submiting extensions:
* as far as I know, the submiting process does not enforce the submission of the build script. I already published several extensions without providing the build script (but as I try to do things right, I put the URL of the build script in the info file).
* the consequence of the previous point is that build scripts for most extensions cannot be found. I already had to write the build script of an existing (but buggy) extension from scratch, wasting hours of my time for nothing.
* everybody can submit binary extensions: we have to pray that no intentional vulnerability, backdoor or virus is introduced in the extensions. This will blow to the face of tinycore sooner or later.
* once a tinycore system is installed and running, there is no way to know the exact version of the extensions, so there is no way to do configuration management or to check if we are impacted by a CVE.