I would like to see interaction design changes, since it's very-very inconvenient for me, and, maybe, other users to do certain tasks. For me it's less annoying to use aterm in change of Apps.
in "Load App Locally" menu, in all of "Maintenance" submenus, except "Check Onboot Unneeded" and "Check for Orphans", in all of "Installation Options" submenus:
* add _searchbar_
example and/or _clickable alphabetical annotated scrollbar_
example for rapid package search in both(or in single, if only one is present) panes.
* add _checkbox_
example for every package in both panes and _include all checkbox_
example1 example2 for both panes.
in "Browse" submenu:
* add checkbox to install multiple packages at once
optionally add _drop-down list arrow_
example to quickly change installation option on specific packages.
Especially in "Dependencies And Deletions" submenu:
* there should be _searchbar_ and _checkbox_ or _drop-down list arrow_ to choose between options for every package listed.
all menus:
* add mouse support(and subsequently this support could
itself give touchscreen support without additional redesigning).
And also design unrelated request:
* add ability to choose between all older and newer repos versions with warning message like this:"Some older apps are not compatible with newer versions of TC, for instance, kernel version-specific".
If links are broken, pm me.