Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases
piCore-9.0beta3 released
Also, is the firmware currently provided with piCore 9.0 able to set the USB boot bit, or is the 'next' branch / beta firmware from git required? The firmware and boot files that come with 8.x didn't seem to have recognized the setting in config.txt.
Yep, unless it has changed you do need the next version.
Option is to boot from SD and redirect to USB, which requires special bootloader for the other Pi's.
Don't think the flashing the OTP has caused any issues at the moment, except maybe boot speed.
I don't think installing a SSD for raspberry pi would do much help.
USB2 is the restriction, but M2 SSD will be lots of space for???? Media Server?
It should be the lowest power MSD/MB
Will 32GB be enough for a pICore development desktop?
--- Quote from: gavinmc42 on April 23, 2017, 02:46:06 AM ---Will 32GB be enough for a pICore development desktop?
--- End quote ---
a 32gb sd card works fine for me
Setup up WiFi on a SD card in a Pi3, as per my post a year ago.
Glad I put that down in the posts, forgotten I had documented it, very sad the memory these days.
Seems to work, I get an ip address for wlan0.
Stick same card in a Zero W and a few seconds after booted I get the message
"No wifi devices found!"
Good news is camera is working :P
Off to Pi forums for clues.
Bela, put notes in the boot partition readme for setting up WiFi/BT/camera when we figure it out.
the rpi3 internal bt works...
thanks juanito: Indeed the dep files for pulseaudio, libpulseaudio, wifi,blueman are all missing in my
/optional folder. I have no idea how this could happen.
How can I check for these files at the repo?
How can I download them and reinstall?
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