Outstanding! Fifth browser is *exactly* what I need - no more, no less.
Seems I can crash it with my mouse scrollwheel, so I disable up/down scrolling before I run it and rely solely on pg-up / pg-dn and scrollbars:
xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 0 0 6 7 8 9 10"
After running fifth browser, I'll just restore as normal with xmodmap again as some simple executables.
I did notice that it throws an error when called from the commandline and this seems to be all over the place when I search
libpng warning ICCP: known incorrect srgb profile
Right now, I'm just ignoring it and not sure if there's anything as a user I *should* do to correct it. Or may it is just a PI thing -- don't know at this point.
Thanks again for the Fifth browser tip - I really dig it.
My 900mhz RPI2 is really flying now with a slim picore running in ram and a fast browser to boot. My Chromebase with an ARM V7l uP running at 2.1ghz is getting scared!