Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 8.0 Alpha 1 Testing

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--- Quote ---I'm guessing you didn't start tc-8.x with an empty tce folder
--- End quote ---
Actually I copied the TC 7 VM, booted into TC 8 with no extensions loaded, ran tce-update to update all the extensions, then rebooted.

--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ ldd $(which lxterminal) | grep found
        libncurses.so.5 => not found

--- End code ---
It looks to me like the lxterminal executable is linked to ncurses 5. So not all the extensions were updated from TC 7 to TC 8?

The vte-2.90 dep file changed, which is a recursive dep of lxterminal and lilyterm

Have you reported the bug against xf86-video-vmware?

So far the only program with this defect is aterm:

--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ aterm -version
aterm version 1.00.01 from 01 August 2007
(utmp,transparency,fading,NeXT scrollbar,XGetDefaults)

--- End code ---
According to the aterm website:

--- Quote ---Latest Version 1.0.1 was released on August 1, 2007
aterm is deprecated and in a maintenance mode only; there will be no further updates. Use rxvt-unicode instead.
--- End quote ---
I don't see me reporting an issue with a 10 year old abandonware program to anyone. It's why I don't ask for it to be fixed, I just use something else. I just want something else to work.

If you modify vte-2.90.tcz.dep to read as per:


and download ncurses5 from the repo, things should work with lxterminal and/or lilyterm.


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