Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
CorePlus/TinyCore 7.2 Wifi does not work on Inspiron 11
My bad, a small correction:
--- Quote ---AIUI, BCM4365 is the model number and ID of your hybrid wifi/bluetooth device, whereas BCM43142 is the model number of the wifi device within it.
--- End quote ---
better to link you to the source https://www.broadcom.com/products/wireless/wireless-lan-bluetooth/bcm43142
4365 is the ID
regardless, this device Broadcom BCM43142 (PCI ID 14e4:4365) should be supported by wl-modules-4.2.9-tinycore.tcz
Thanks for the detailed advice coreplayer2!
"GotTo: APPS > Maintenance > OnBoot Maintenance then add
to the list."
There were 2 copies of wifi.tcz in onboot.lst; removed 1 copy.
1 copy of wl-modules-4.2.9-tinycore.tcz in onboot.lst; left it in.
"Note: remove any other wifi related extensions accidentally added previously to this list"
As far as I know, I only added wifi.tcz and firmware-rtlwifi.tcz to onboot.lst. Removed both files.
Attached is onboot.lst, in case anybody notices other files that need to be removed.
"you will need to blacklist the original broadcom modules, add this to the boot config file"
Uh Oh. I checked "into the Core" and the tc wiki (I really did), but I'm still not sure which is the
boot config file. Would that be /mnt/sda1/tce/boot/vmlinuz or maybe /mnt/sda1/tce/boot/
extlinuz/extlinuz.conf? Or maybe /opt/bootlocal.sh? /opt/.filetool.lst?
The first 2 files appear similar to your example; neither has any blacklisting.
Hi newtotinycore
--- Quote ---"you will need to blacklist the original broadcom modules, add this to the boot config file"
Uh Oh. I checked "into the Core" and the tc wiki (I really did), but I'm still not sure which is the
boot config file. Would that be /mnt/sda1/tce/boot/vmlinuz or maybe /mnt/sda1/tce/boot/
extlinuz/extlinuz.conf? Or maybe /opt/bootlocal.sh? /opt/.filetool.lst?
--- End quote ---
Open the extlinux.conf file and add it to the APPEND line. You might need to use sudo to edit the file.
Blacklisting those 3 items got the Dell online.
The first time I booted, Opera locked up, the caps lock key started flashing, and I had to shut down.
The second time, I opened chromium and opera and pulled the thumb drive.
Chromium wouldn't pull up web pages, but Opera would.
I spent 1/2 hour trying to write this post on the Dell, but had very little control of trackpad or typing.
Manage to complete post, but then "Request Time-out server timeout waiting for the HTTP request from the client" error message.
Clearly these problems are not connected to Tinycore.
Maybe, there never was any problem with Tinycore.
Thanks for all the help.
You guys are doing a tremendous job helping people who are having ongoing "computer problems".
Thanks again.
You notebook doesn't appear to be very old, so why not try the latest Firefox?
firefox_getLatest.tcz will download and install the latest and will keep it updated
getFlash.tcz will also download and install the latest version and keep it updated
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