Tiny Core Base > ODROID
i recently got 4 ODROID-C2 boards to build a simple docker cluster for educational reason.
As you certainly know, the C2 has compared to the RPi 3 also ARMv8 architecture, improved RAM and CPU speed and is also known and used by a growing community.
On my search for a small linux host system, i wondered why there is no Tiny Core Linux available.
Is there a particular reason? License reasons? I searched the forum but did not find any clues.
As far as i know, there is only a maintained legacy kernel available at the moment, but mainline support is under development and partially included in kernel 4.10.
So would it be possible to use the HARDKERNEL legacy kernel or the mainline kernel to build a TCL variant for the C2?
Thanks in advance
yes it is possible to port piCore to ODROID platform. To have the CLI only version can be done fast and most of the extensions in the current repo can be reused. What may be a bit more difficult the graphics stack.
Why it doesn't exist? Because nobody have done it. Myself I'm busy with many (other) stuff and I do not have a board for testing, but cca. 8 other ARM boards are waiting on my test for porting. You are free to do the porting. All necessary information is available and you can get help here also.
Hi Béla,
i expected that statement that no one had time to do it before. :-)
And by the way, very many thanks to you for working so continuously on piCore!
The good news is, and that was my question for, that there are no technical impediments so far to get the C2 running TinyCore (headless).
I will have a look and check if i can get it to work. :-)
I am well aware that this thread is 3.5 years old, but what is the current status of TinyCoreLinux on Odroid-C2 ?
I would love to run it there....
I had it running on a first generation C1. I completely lost interest, as their kernel support was horrible. And nobody picked it up development here. It was for the most part compatible with the arm repos. There is no technical complications to it, just need to have someone willing to master an image.
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