Yeah I saw that check and tried forcing it to use a1 anyways just to see what happened, no dice though. What I'm doing to build the chipsec module is pulling down linux-4.2.9-patched.txz, extracting it to a temp folder, copying the kernel config in, then make oldconfig && make prepare && make modules. Once that's done I modify the Makefile under chipsec/drivers/linux to point it to tmp/src/linux-4.2.9 instead of /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build, then I type make and it generates the chipsec kernel module.
It feels weird since I'm having to build all new kernel modules, and I'm not entirely clear what the dependency on having to build the modules from source is. If it's just looking for Modules.symvers (which is also available in the distribution files repo), can I just put that somewhere and be done? Seems like me building the modules could potentially put the symbols in a different place than the ones that are actually running from corepure64.gz. Obviously I'm not entirely sure what's happening here but feel like I have a good idea, just trying to fill in the pieces.