Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

Microcore fails to load desktop..


OK, using micro 2.1rc2 and with Xvesa.core, Xprogs.core, Xlibs.core +jwm, and alot of other stuff too.
I tried rebooting, but that didn't work either.
It either loads a black desktop/x-pointer
Or it fails to load X and says "No screens found"
Any ideas?

I am assuming that all of those cores and jwm are the latest.
Start by posting your .xsession and telling us what mode of operation you are using.
A black screen with large X is an indication that the wm did not load, or tried to load before X server was up. Your .xsession is a good place to look.


--- Quote from: linus72 on June 21, 2009, 06:09:13 PM ---OK, using micro 2.1rc2 and with Xvesa.core, Xprogs.core, Xlibs.core +jwm, and alot of other stuff too.
I tried rebooting, but that didn't work either.
It either loads a black desktop/x-pointer

--- End quote ---

I had the same configuration with jwm failing to load.

Turns out I had forgotten to delete my old mydata.tcz save file. Once I removed that jwm loaded fine.

It was likely the .xsession in your backup; which has changed.
I usually post a section in each release/RC where I state "files likely in your backup or other persistent store". Those files should be checked against their default values, typically from  /etc/skel, e.g.,

diff /etc/skel/.xsession /home/tc/.xsession

Yes, my mistake.
I did have to reboot once when doing it from ext3 usb, but after that everything seems fine.
thanks ::)


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