Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks

Creating a partition image with dd / ddrescue

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You should read my favorite site explaining some of the features of dd...

Dd - Destroyer of Disks

Ok, I've got a plan (once more ;) ): I'll format an usb stick with exfat using partimage. This seems to me the best way to get my wished result.

Concerning this, I have some more questions (I know: both would be better asked in separate threads):

- In case I use TC: will the fuse.tcz extension allow me to have access to exfat? Background of the question: the partimage.tcz isn't included in the repo for TC 7.x so I have to take my older version (4.x I guess) where part image can be found in the repo but only that one fuse.tcz file (its description doesn't say anything about its abilities).

- General question: is exfat only meant to be a flash fs or can it also be used as a hdd fs (for external drives, e.g.)?


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