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Use tynicore to run graphical java app


Its gonna be a bit wierd. I would like to know if I could use this os to launch a heavily modified version of minecraft. The reason would be to save up as mutch of my resources as possible for the actual game.

I would like to know what I would need to do. I need no desktop or anything, if it can fire up the game in full screen thats enough. Bonus if I could run an another app maybe on a different session. (change the screen with ctrl-alt-f keys)

I don't exactly know what it would take, but If i get the right guides I can follow and do it.

There's a java-installer extension available in the tinycore repo as well as (depending on your graphics hardware) 3d graphics drivers, so it could work...

There's been a derivative of TC that did just that, IIRC it was called Mine OS+.


--- Quote from: curaga on January 20, 2017, 10:23:42 AM ---There's been a derivative of TC that did just that, IIRC it was called Mine OS+.

--- End quote ---

When I get my stuff up and running i'll look into installing just java+the drivers. Its seems to be too tuned in for bukkit (something I personally don't trust after it lost "official" support). I would like to save up on more resources because forge.
And its also designed for servers, not for local use.

Altough, I have a friend who might actually find use for it.


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