I have been tinkering with tinycore 7.2 for a week or so over the holidays and loving every minute of it.
My main goal was to have a minimal sandbox to run the latest firefox browser for my kids just by downloading the latest tar.bz2 directly from
It took a lot of tinkering and digging through the forums but I finally achieved what I wanted that I can use as a template going forward. I'd like to share my final config in the spirit of 'pay it forward'. Hopefully, it will save other's time.
I started with Core (11Mb) and used tc-install.sh to install an absolute minimal system to the virtual box vdi.
My final onboot.lst looks like this:
- graphics-4.2.9-tinycore.tcz
- Xorg-7.7.tcz
- libffi5.tcz
- libwnck.tcz
- dbus-glib.tcz
- alsa.tcz
- alsa-config.tcz
- alsa-plugins.tcz
- alsamixergui.tcz
- aterm.tcz
- wbar.tcz
- flwm.tcz
- virtualbox-ose-additions.tcz
Of course, all of those can be installed with tce-install -wi <package-name.tcz>.
Once installed, restart to bring up Flux window manager in X.
Run xrandr in a terminal to adjust resolution as needed.
With that setup I can also mount a virtual box shared folder
- sudo modprobe vboxsf
- sudo mkdir /mnt/vboxsf
- sudo mount -t vboxsf vbox_shared /mnt/vboxsf
That makes for a nice barebones image with X, sound, minimal window manager and shared folders to the host system. (<100Mb)
Downloading the latest firefox (firefox-50.1.0.tar.bz2) I was then able to simply
- tar xf firefox-50.1.0.tar.bz2
- ./firefox/firefox
And voila.. Firefox!
Total size of the disk image jumped >150Mb. (mostly firefox)
Currently, I don't save sound state so I need to open user 'alsamixgui' to adjust sound volume settings in order to hear audio from the virtual machine when I bring it up.
Finally, I added a wbar icon to firefox using the instructions from here:
http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:creating_custom_command_icons_in_wbarIt is simple to clone the above (even use vagrant) to spin up new instances for specialized environments...
My next goal is to get comfortable building my own tcz's. First will be for just the virtualbox shared folder (vboxsf) extension.
I had already built it from latest guestadditions.iso before I realized there was a tcz for a version that worked.
These are the tcz additions (in addition to above) I have in onboot.lst in another tinycore instance:
- fluff.tcz
- vim.tcz
- compiletc.tcz
- gc-dev.tcz
- openssl-dev.tcz
- bash.tcz
I have been using that to build various binaries from scratch and copy over into other minimal tinycore instances via shared folders.
As a note, tinycore happily runs the latest nodejs binaries and npm, sqlite3 (again just download tar, unpack and run).
What an awesome sandbox to create and break in!