Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Can't install 3rd party binary permanent


Hi all, apologies if this is mentioned elsewhere, but I've searched and haven't found anything.  (This is the first time I've tried tinycore, which is a brilliant concept I must say).

I'm trying to figure out which method / how to install a 3rd party application, which includes multiple binaries and keep it all after a reboot.  It installs OK and runs, however obviously after each reboot I have to go through the install process again.

The application from what I can see, is a simple extract to the home folder with a configurable location to some config directories. 

Extensions sound like the easiest method, though this might be unadvisable if there is a startup script required?

I've read the manual, but I'm still struggling a bit.

My experience is all with installations and such and also a bit of compiling.  Images as far as booting and scripting is less.


Did you take a look at this:


Thanks, reading it now. :)

OK, clearly this won't work as it seems to require source code, which I don't have.  This is a binary installation method as per my original post.  What installation method do I use for binaries that need to start automatically?  Backup?


You can use the backup function, but for large files that do not change it is more efficient to create a personal extension.

You can do this by creating the required file/folder structure somewhere convenient, copying your binaries to the appropriate place in the structure and then making an extension of it.

For example:
--- Code: ---$ mkdir -p /tmp/pkg/usr/local/bin
$ sudo chown -R root:root /tmp/pkg/usr
$ sudo cp mybinary /tmp/pkg/usr/local/bin
$ cd /tmp
$ sudo mksquashfs pkg/ mybinary.tcz
$ sudo chown tc:staff mybinary.tcz
--- End code ---

You can then copy your extension to your /tce folder and start using it.


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