Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
Sound problem
Hello! TC 7.2 is installed on my HDD and everything works fine, exept the sound card. I have old discrete sound card right from the end of 90's - CM8738. Can I somehow make it work? Maybe install some additional drivers?..
What kind of sound card do you have - pci, isa, usb, pcmcia?
What have you already tried to do to get it working?
What error messages did you get?
I installed ALSA driver, but it didn't helped. Also I tried to install OSS, but it's not installing from App browser.
When I try to listen my favorite internet radio in XMMS player it says that
"Please check that:
* Your sound card is configured correctly
* You chose the right output plugin
* Your sound card isn't blocked by another program"
By the way, I have Damn Small Linux installed on my second HDD and sound card works fine there. If I am not mistaken, the DSL uses cmpci driver for my sound card. Is there any way to install the cmpci driver in Tiny Core?
xmms tries to use oss by default, so you need to use <ctrl p> to enter setup and change the output to alsa.
oss is not available for tc-7.x - if you boot without any sound extensions loaded and then load alsa-config followed by alsa, can you use the alsamixer command to un-mute the master volume and get sound from xmms?
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