Good job.
If you resolved changing settings and configuration with alsactrl as described in the alsa info file, then maybe your system didn't need pulseaudio after all?
Sorry have taken a while to get back to you on config file, I've been really busy with OSS this week. When complete, I'll reinstall pulseaudio so can give correct information.
If interested pulseaudio uses pacmd commandline scripting to control and set any pulseaudio parameter.
We don't have a great description of a setup in the wiki but adding a line at the end of this file
"usr/local/etc/pulse/" to configure pulseaudio on startup works great in newer systems with complicated configurations like HDMI and SPDIF
I added
set-card-profile 2 output:iec958-stereo
to my file then added it to the system backup to set configuration on reboot.
The important info from "active profile: <output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo>" is:
active profile: <output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo>
However I'm not convinced your pulseaudio deamon is running correctly, but if alsactl store has resolved the issue then this is a moot point..
Meanwhile, still working on OSS