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Author Topic: CorePlus install needs Xorg because Xvesa can't run  (Read 5547 times)

Offline johnst1e

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CorePlus install needs Xorg because Xvesa can't run
« on: November 27, 2016, 11:25:35 AM »
I'm new to tiny core. I have the coreplus 7.2 iso. I want to install to a pentium III laptop which has a Trident Cyberblade XP Ai1 video processor. The laptop is not capable of booting from USB.

I can boot from CD.
I can choose any window manager option from the menu.
The boot messages run up until the message "Core is distributed with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY"
Then it halts showing only a cursor.
If I hit ctrl-C I get the command prompt tc@box:~$  and can navigate the system if necessary.

The problem is my video hardware. Using Puppy Linux Wary if I choose the Xvesa option it comes back with a message that "Xvesa will hang with my hardware you must use Xorg" and if I do it works (with puppy)

I need wireless support so that's why I chose coreplus.
How can I install using Xorg?  Or how can I get Xorg working so I can install?

I can't run the coreplus installer until X is running.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Offline polikuo

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Re: CorePlus install needs Xorg because Xvesa can't run
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2016, 11:34:58 AM »
Code: [Select]
tce-load -wil Xorg-7.7Should be enough

Offline Misalf

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Re: CorePlus install needs Xorg because Xvesa can't run
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2016, 11:41:25 AM »
If your wifi card is supported, use  sudo wifi.sh  to setup a connection.
Then you could probably just install Xorg in "cloud mode" (extensions will be lost after reboot), as polikuo mentioned, and  strartx .

To install Core to hard drive without a GUI, you can run  tc-install.sh  or install manually (copy core.gz an vmlinuz and load those via any boot loader).
Download a copy and keep it handy: Core book ;)

Offline johnst1e

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Re: CorePlus install needs Xorg because Xvesa can't run
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2016, 01:19:59 PM »
Thanks your advice worked.  I got Xorg running.  There are still some Xorg related issues, my trackpad does not recognize a tap as a left-click and movement is a bit erratic.

I added the boot code "core laptop" to the coreplus menu item I selected to get it to load the pcmcia support.
After reaching the stalled cursor and hitting ctrl-C to get a command prompt typing
 sudo wifi.sh
worked and I connected to the internet.
Then I ran
 tce-load -wil Xorg-7.7
and all the Xorg  files downloaded and installed.

Before I could get
to work I had to find the Xvesa process which was running with
 ps | more
 kill -9 pid.of.the.Xvesa. 
Then I could run startx and I got the desktop.

Offline coreplayer2

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Re: CorePlus install needs Xorg because Xvesa can't run
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2016, 03:06:01 PM »
Welcome johnst1e
I added the boot code "core laptop" to the coreplus menu item I selected to get it to load the pcmcia support.
While ymmv I've never needed the " laptop " bootcode on any notebook, so try with and try without.
Also try the Core Book for an explanation of more useful boot codes from here

After reaching the stalled cursor and hitting ctrl-C to get a command prompt typing
 sudo wifi.sh
worked and I connected to the internet.
Then I ran
 tce-load -wil Xorg-7.7
and all the Xorg  files downloaded and installed.
A desktop is not required to install tinycore, see previous post and the Core Book from here

Before I could get
to work I had to find the Xvesa process which was running with
 ps | more
 kill -9 pid.of.the.Xvesa. 
Then I could run startx and I got the desktop.
An easier command to know is:
Code: [Select]
pkill X

After install with Xorg to disk I think there are more mouse/touchpad  extensions you can try using Apps

Enjoy  8)

Offline coreplayer2

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Re: CorePlus install needs Xorg because Xvesa can't run
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2016, 03:12:19 PM »
Also after install, be sure to verify  " Xorg-7.7.tcz "  has been added to your onboot.lst and that Xvesa has been removed, so that you start up with Xorg in future.  You may use Apps for that too.