Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

CorePlus install needs Xorg because Xvesa can't run

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I'm new to tiny core. I have the coreplus 7.2 iso. I want to install to a pentium III laptop which has a Trident Cyberblade XP Ai1 video processor. The laptop is not capable of booting from USB.

I can boot from CD.
I can choose any window manager option from the menu.
The boot messages run up until the message "Core is distributed with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY"
Then it halts showing only a cursor.
If I hit ctrl-C I get the command prompt tc@box:~$  and can navigate the system if necessary.

The problem is my video hardware. Using Puppy Linux Wary if I choose the Xvesa option it comes back with a message that "Xvesa will hang with my hardware you must use Xorg" and if I do it works (with puppy)

I need wireless support so that's why I chose coreplus.
How can I install using Xorg?  Or how can I get Xorg working so I can install?

I can't run the coreplus installer until X is running.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


--- Code: ---tce-load -wil Xorg-7.7
--- End code ---
Should be enough

If your wifi card is supported, use  sudo wifi.sh  to setup a connection.
Then you could probably just install Xorg in "cloud mode" (extensions will be lost after reboot), as polikuo mentioned, and  strartx .

To install Core to hard drive without a GUI, you can run  tc-install.sh  or install manually (copy core.gz an vmlinuz and load those via any boot loader).

Thanks your advice worked.  I got Xorg running.  There are still some Xorg related issues, my trackpad does not recognize a tap as a left-click and movement is a bit erratic.

I added the boot code "core laptop" to the coreplus menu item I selected to get it to load the pcmcia support.
After reaching the stalled cursor and hitting ctrl-C to get a command prompt typing
 sudo wifi.sh
worked and I connected to the internet.
Then I ran
 tce-load -wil Xorg-7.7
and all the Xorg  files downloaded and installed.

Before I could get
to work I had to find the Xvesa process which was running with
 ps | more
 kill -9 pid.of.the.Xvesa. 
Then I could run startx and I got the desktop.

Welcome johnst1e

--- Quote from: johnst1e on November 27, 2016, 01:19:59 PM ---I added the boot code "core laptop" to the coreplus menu item I selected to get it to load the pcmcia support.

--- End quote ---
While ymmv I've never needed the " laptop " bootcode on any notebook, so try with and try without.
Also try the Core Book for an explanation of more useful boot codes from here

--- Quote ---After reaching the stalled cursor and hitting ctrl-C to get a command prompt typing
 sudo wifi.sh
worked and I connected to the internet.
Then I ran
 tce-load -wil Xorg-7.7
and all the Xorg  files downloaded and installed.

--- End quote ---
A desktop is not required to install tinycore, see previous post and the Core Book from here

--- Quote ---Before I could get
to work I had to find the Xvesa process which was running with
 ps | more
 kill -9 pid.of.the.Xvesa. 
Then I could run startx and I got the desktop.
--- End quote ---
An easier command to know is:

--- Code: ---pkill X
--- End code ---

After install with Xorg to disk I think there are more mouse/touchpad  extensions you can try using Apps

Enjoy  8)


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