dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore Armv7

Can't import any extensions on Allwinner A20 & dCore

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I finally managed to get a bootable dCore on my Banana Pi.
But the problem now is:
I do have a Internet connection (ping Google.com etc works), but after using sce-import ssh   e.g.  it looks for the right packages but then it says "Can't updating Debinx..."  and the worst error is that "wget" seems to be unable to fetch any files, because it says: bla bla is not http or ftp URL.
I think it's a problem related to wget, because it seems like it is unable to download files through a ssl connection. 
Using: wget http://Google.com works, BUT  using wget https://Google.com gives me the same error as if I want to import any extensions.

Please help me, I really don't know how to fix this problem, I'm really desperate right now..

Best regards!

Welcome Sebster. I am no wget or SSL expert but came across this:

--- Quote ---Install wget (with SSL)
The default wget in OpenWRT is provided by Busybox, which does not support SSL. If you want to use SSL (https) URLs, you can install the real wget:

--- End quote ---

Just a guess, try importing wget from Debian/Ubuntu and ensure it's used instead of the BusyBox version, similar to this dCore grep guide:

hi: how did you prepare the micro sd card (or full size SD) card for the banana pi?
Which model of the banana pi?
Could please give me a quick how too?
Thank you

Thanks a lot for your answer!!

I am struggling right now, because I think I have the busybox grep utilized, but I cannot change it.
I also don't know how to install the wget extension from the Debian / Ubuntu repository, because using
--- Code: ---sce-import wget
--- End code ---
gives me the error I'm referring to in my first post so that I cannot install a newer version of wget because wget is too outdated...

Can you tell he, how to install the newer version of wget exactly? I am a complete newbie to TC and dCore but have experience with Linux...

Thank you a lot!

Just think BusyBox's wget is less full featured. I am probably not understanding something about your setup. As you say ping and 'wget http://Google.com works', what happens if you remove ssh from /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sceboot.lst, reboot system then run:
sce-import -b wget

On my dCore-jessie system the repositories do not require https:
http://security.debian.org jessie main

Did you install an Ubuntu-based dCore, maybe Ubuntu uses https.

Alternatively, if your Banana Pi can access a USB stick, just download the wget package .deb file from the correct Ubuntu or Debian repository, extract the executable, transfer it via USB stick to Banana Pi dCore's /usr/bin/ directory and add the file to backup as an interim test.

--- Code: ---tc@box:/tmp$ ar x wget_1.16-1\+deb8u1_i386.deb
tc@box:/tmp$ tar xvf data.tar.xz
tc@box:/tmp$ cp (extracted_deb's) ./usr/bin/wget (dCore's)/usr/bin/
tc@box:/tmp$ echo "usr/bin/wget" >> /opt/.filetool.lst
tc@box:/tmp$ backup
tc@box:/tmp$ sudo reboot

--- End code ---


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