Hello good people!
I'm trying to setup piCore to run on my Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. Managed to boot, managed to connect to WiFi, SSH is running. This will be a headless setup so I'd like to connect remotely. The problem I'm facing is, if i try to connect to the system using Putty from a Windows machine and specify "tc" as login name and "piCore" as password (without the quotes, of course), all i get is "Access denied". If i try to connect from the system itself to itself, i get "Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive)". As i already set up piCore on earlier rPi Zero versions and after connecting to my WiFi network SSH just worked out of the box, without the need for any fiddling, I'm not sure what i might have done wrong. Any pointers what i should check?
Additional info: I'm running piCore version 13.1.0, I'm booting from an USB drive, i'm using openssh. I'd like to use the simple login name/password approach, don't wish to move around keys and whatnots. I didn't change the password of the tc user, after some unsuccessful tries i did try using passwd to set it to the default piCore, just in case, but it did not change anything. I tried googling around for answers but frankly, I'm not sure what to look for.