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Where can I get a file manager for TinyCore

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Some gtk themes are not compatible with tinyX, causing that error.


--- Quote from: zacchi4k on October 25, 2016, 01:46:32 PM ---
--- Quote ---You didn't specify TC version, if referring to TC7 x86 then xfe.tcz is present and accounted for:
--- End quote ---
I use the x86_64 port since I need to run x64 software on top of a lightweight Linux distro.

--- Quote ---Quote from: coreplayer2
    ...and spacefm, which is my favorite :)
--- End quote ---
Sadly it doesn't work for me, both the gtk3 and gtk2 version.
--- End quote ---

OK here is the issue..
Spacefm for an unknown reason could not run under Xfbdev (assuming they did at some point) when I tried today.
Xfbdev.tcz provides X for TinyCorePure64-7.2.iso

I'll need to check why neither version of spacefm no longer runs under the default TinyCorePure64.  However, if you load Xorg-7.7 extension then restart X Spacefm does indeed work fine.

For a smoother desktop environment use Xorg.
to accomplish this, run

--- Code: ---tce-load -wi Xorg-7.7.tcz
tce-load -wi spacefm.tcz
pkill X
--- End code ---

After X has been stopped, run the above startx command from the commandline

Alternatively pcmanfm file manager works fine under Xfbdev

Will do a Xfe build on x86_64 soon.

zacchi4k and colleagues,

Spacefm.tcz, for now is the file manager that worked best in the tests I did, because spacefm allows you to easily run other programs to open files (bootlocal.sh and .filetool) to edit and still with access as super user, root or sudo.

Pcmanfm.tcz is apparently more beautiful, but I was unable to open the files (bootlocal.sh and .filetool) to edit using pcmanfm, even if I checked the option View, Show Hidden.

The emelf2.tcz I managed to run other programs, open the files (bootlocal.sh and .filetool.lst) to edit and still with access as super user, root or sudo. click on the "H" to view the hidden files.

Other file managers that I tested and that I couldn't easily use: mc.tcz (the simplest, it looks like MS-DOS), emelf.tcz ..


Original text in Brazilian Portuguese, translation into English by Google Translate.


zacchi4k e colegas,

O spacefm.tcz, por enquanto é o gerenciador de arquivos que melhor funcionou nos testes que eu fiz, porque o spacefm permite executar com facilidade outros programas abrir os arquivos (bootlocal.sh e o .filetool) para editar e ainda com o acesso como super usuário, root ou sudo.

O pcmanfm.tcz aparentemente é mais bonito, mas eu não consegui abrir os arquivos (bootlocal.sh e o .filetool) para editar usando o pcmanfm, mesmo marcando a opção View, Show Hidden.

O emelf2.tcz eu consegui executar outros programas, abrir os arquivos (bootlocal.sh e o .filetool.lst) para editar e ainda com o acesso como super usuário, root ou sudo. clique sobre o "H" para visualizar os arquivos ocultos.

Outros gerenciadores de arquivos que testei e que não consegui usar com facilidade: mc.tcz (o mais simples, parece MS-DOS), emelf.tcz..


Texto original em português do Brasil, tradução para o inglês por Google Tradutor.


I tested other file managers:

Xfe.tcz, for now is another file manager that worked best in the tests I did, because it allows you to easily run other programs to open the files (bootlocal.sh and .filetool) to edit and still with super user access, root or sudo.

Nautilus.tcz and rox-file.tcz, I was unable to open the files (bootlocal.sh and .filetool) to edit using these file managers, even running as sudo and viewing hidden files.

Fluff.tcz, I managed to run the editor program with this file manager to open the files (bootlocal.sh and .filetool.lst) to edit, to view or have access like sudo, just click on the "show all" options and "use sudo" from the fluff menu. I was unable to run vlc3.tcz or flviewer.tcz with the fluff.

File-roller.tcz, failed to install, I was unable to test it.

Vifm.tcz, a manager that looks like MS-DOS, I was unable to do anything.

The easiest file managers to use and open other programs through the manager with tiny Core Puls 11.0, so far are: emelfm2.tcz, spacefm.tcz and xfe.tcz.


Original text in English from Brazil, translated into English by Google Translate.



Testei outros gerenciadores de arquivos:

O xfe.tcz, por enquanto é outro gerenciador de arquivos que melhor funcionou nos testes que eu fiz, porque permite executar com facilidade outros programas para abrir os arquivos (bootlocal.sh e o .filetool) para editar e ainda com acesso como superusuário, raiz ou sudo.

O nautilus.tcz e rox-file.tcz, eu não consegui abrir os arquivos (bootlocal.sh e o .filetool) para editar usando estes gerenciadores de arquivo, mesmo rodando como sudo e visualizando arquivos ocultos.

O fluff.tcz, eu consegui executar com este gerenciador de arquivos o programa editor para abrir os arquivos (bootlocal.sh e .filetool.lst) para editar, para visualizar ou ter acesso como o sudo, basta clicar nas opções "show all" e "use sudo" do menu do fluff. Eu não consegui executar o vlc3.tcz ou o flviewer.tcz com o fluff.

O file-roller.tcz, falhou na instalação, eu não consegui testá-lo.

O vifm.tcz,  gerenciador que possui aparência do MS-DOS, este eu não consegui fazer nada.

Os gerenciadores de arquivos mais fáceis de usar e abrir outros programas através do gerenciador com o tiny Core Puls 11.0, até o momento são: emelfm2.tcz,  spacefm.tcz e o xfe.tcz.


Texto original em inglês do Brasil, tradução para inglês pelo Google Tradutor.


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