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Preventing user to switch to CLI (consoul/shell) from GUI.

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--- Quote from: ipmeel on October 03, 2016, 04:39:10 AM ---Is it possible to prevent use to switch to CLI (consoul/shell) from GUI?
How to disable "CTL+ALT+Backspace" and "CTL+ALT+F1", that kills GUI?
How to disable or remove "Exit to Prompt" option in "TC Exit Options" (see attached image)?

--- End quote ---

Hi ipmeel. Just curious why? You are going through a lot of effort, so i'm thinking security related? If so modifying exittc to block TTY access will not suffice. A user with virtual terminal access can run  killall Xorg  and it will return to TTY. System Tools -> Run Program accepts the  killall Xorg  command. Running  sudo openvt  creates an additional TTY on the fly as root, so sudo should be password protected. Physical access to the machine or power supply may allow reboot, so the boot manager (text bootcode) and Tiny Core user login should be password protected. Didn't test CTL+ALT+Backspace and CTL+ALT+F1 so i could finish this post, may be Window Manager dependent. Regardless, ensure the Window Manager does not have additional keyboard shortcuts to exit, open terminal, etc. Probably other methods, fun to brainstorm. If the purpose of your  exittc  modification is not security related please ignore this post.

Many-many thanks, it worked like charm.
Our users don't have physical access to systems.
All icons are excluded from wBar, except 'Exit' and 'Remote Desktop Connection'. The mouse click-context-menu is also disabled. Now 'TC Exit option' is modified. I think there are only remaining possibilities to access 'terminal' or TTY is using 'CTL+ALT+Backspace' and 'CTL+ALT+F1'.
I am not familiar with window manager, I will explore it.
Thanks for your comments.

Hi ipmeel
To disable  CTL+ALT+F1  try commenting out the  tty1  line in  /etc/inittab. This would need to be done in the  initrd
file (rootfs.gz).
For  CTL+ALT+Backspace, try Googling  linux nozap.

Alt-SysRq REISUB is also enabled by default, entering  Alt-SysRq+R+ E  will get TTY:

Hi Rich,
I commented out the tty1 line in 'tinycore-current.iso>/boot/>core.gz>/etc/inittab'.
But, while booting from ISO file, the boot screen hangs at 'Setting hostname to Box Done'.

I try to extract and packed 'core.gz' by two methods...
(1) using 'core-remaster.tcz' and
(2) by following steps mentioned at http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:remastering.


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