Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

Kexec Support?

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Hi all,
I'm using the latest beta 8.4 on a Model B2
I'm attempting to utilize kexec to load another kernel once tiny core has booted, but every command I run I simply receive an
"-sh: kexec: not found" error. I can see from another post in the changelog here:
That kexec support should be enabled in the kernel. I know with Ubuntu you have to do an "apt-get install kexec-tools", but when doing a tce search for kexec, nothing is found. Is there something obvious I am missing here? Thanks for the help

Did you ever find a solution for this? I'm in the same boat, many years later.

Why do you need this tool ??

Are you compiling lots of kernels so you don't want to reboot.
Or I missing something with your thoughts.
Why not try to compile it your self, and also first thinking of this is that you maybe also
need to compile your own kernel enable/support this feature.


it would be cool to be able to use tc as a bootloader ;)


was the option removed  ?


--- Quote from: roberts on March 18, 2012, 01:39:37 PM ---
The major theme for Core v4.4 is kernel & modules update and improved extension searching via tags.

Changelog for 4.4:

* Minor kernel update to 3.0.21 to support the following:
** kexec

--- End quote ---

so it appears you could test with  > 4.4 ...


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