dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions


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Jason W:
Added xfonts-base to the deps of gtkfind.  gtkfind runs without issue here on a large desktop install, re-import and test again, thanks.

Hi Jason. Thanks for your help, still can't get the view window to display, same font error message.

Note sce-update did not detect the extra dependencies, re-importing got them, however. Not sure if sce-update bug with changed dependencies, just reporting.

Despite the error, i now have: /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/7x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz.

Things i've tried: disabling sce.purge, re-importing all sceboot.lst extensions, compiling from source with new dependencies present, modifying source code to utilize a different font. Then gtkfind just reports not having the other font, so the output error message may be misleading.

For some reason gtkfind does not appear to find the font. Not familiar with fonts, symlink issue, something i need to activate, font-config? My system is lean unlike your full-featured system, so maybe still something missing? Is gtkfind working well for you in dCore-Jessie or another flavour?

Edit: The extra dependencies bloated a 2MB extension to 14MB, no problem if it worked :)

Jason W:
I removed the xfonts-base package from the deps of gtkfind.

I booted dCore-jessie with only xorg-all, flwm_topside, and gtkfind loaded, and gtkfind works for me as expected with both 'Print to Window' and 'Print to Stdout', ran from a terminal and saw no errors or warnings.

Now we're cooking with peanut oil, my system runs xorg-intel not xorg-all. Importing xorg-all and reboot, now the gtkfind output window finally works! Took note of the import, seems additional packages not in xorg-intel: xfonts-scalable, x11-apps, xfonts-75dpi. Not sure this makes sense, possibly even xterm, shouldn't that be in xorg-intel (will investigate)?  Even gtkfind -> Help works now, previously gave an xterm error. Might take a few reboots to figure out the culprit package, will report back later, thanks for your help and the hint.

Jason W:
My video card is supported by xorg-intel, I will load that with gtkfind and flwm_topside and help test.  Thanks.


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