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Fbterm with uim (in other words, no X but multi language console)
This is what I did to use Fbterm with uim on dCore.
Both applications are famous and well documented. Maybe I am going to end up saying something obvious...
Importing and loading:
sce-import fbterm
sce-load fbterm
sce-import uim-fep
sce-load uim-fep
and do the same for an input method module you have chosen.(in my case, uim-skk)
Fbterm setup:
When Fbterm cannot find framebuffer device, it falls back to vesa which needs root privileges. It means you have to grant root privileges to Fbterm, which can be done by copying it from /tmp/tcloop/... to /home/tc/.local/bin and changing its mode bits (chmod +s).
Note: do 'which fbterm' and make sure the copy is the one executed.
Uim setup:
In its startup process, uim needs to write two files in a directory named /var/lib/uim, which does not exist at the point of 'sce-load'ing. So in place of uim, you make the directory with its write permission given, then run these commands:
uim-module-manager --unregister-all
uim-module-manager --register <your imput method module name>
(in my case,
uim-module-manager --register skk
Check that everyting is okay by typing commands: cat /var/lib/uim/in* and cat /var/lib/uim/lo*)
Start fbterm and uim-fep.
About uim-skk:
This module gave me its own set of difficulties. I had to read its postinst file and mimick what it does manually.
(Postinst files are in /usr/local/postinst/. Skk's postinst file makes a symlink, so I did the same.
ln -s /usr/share/skk/SKK-JISYO.L /usr/share/skk/SKK-JISYO)
Jason W:
Thanks, I have added the information you have posted into the startup scripts of fbterm, uim-fep, and uim-skk. Please re-import them and test and let me know if it works out of the box.
Oh, and in /etc/sysconfig/sceconfig you can specify which uim module you want, in your case enter the below in sceconfig:
If that variable is not set in sceconfig, then the below are not run as part of the startup script of uim-fep:
uim-module-manager --unregister-all
uim-module-manager --register (chosen module name in sceconfig)
Hi, Jason W. I am sorry to be replying late.
The result is that all the packages have worked fine out of box, great!!
Thank you. I appreciate your helpful fix.
I tested like this:
Copied Easytether binaries and libraries,a ttf font and mylocales.sce(my custom sce) into a directory ubCore and vmlinuz and initrd into its subdirectory boot on a thumbdrive with syslinux installed and modified syslinux.cfg as below.
label ubCore
kernel /ubCore/boot/vmlinuz-trusty
initrd /ubCore/boot/dCore-trusty.gz
append root=UUID=4AD2-286B waitusb=5 multivt nozswap tce=UUID=4AD2-286B/ubCore
Moved the font to /usr/share/fonts/ and the mylocales.sce and its md5.txt to /mnt/sdb1/ubCore/sce/, then added a line UIMMODULE=skk to /etc/sysconfig/sceconfig with vi.
Started Easytether and 'sce-imported' fbterm,uim-fep and uim-skk, then 'sce-loaded' them and mylocales.
Typed commands as below:
export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
uim-fep -u skk
Fine, I had a console which accepts Japanese.
Jason W:
I added a README for uim-fep, please review and send in any desired changes or improvements.
Hi Jason, would you tell me where README is?
I removed and reimported uim-fep with k option and then did what follows.
find /tmp/tcloop/uim-fep/ -iname *read*
gzip -cd <each file the above command gave (except obviously wrong ones)> | less
I don't think your README was among what I read....
By the way, I learned a lot reading your postinst files. Thank you very much.
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