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Author Topic: Update: PicorePlayerV10 = Squeezelite on piCore with SSH, WiFi and set-up script  (Read 102175 times)

Offline Greg Erskine

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hi ghulse,

It doesn't appear to be doing any of the piCorePlayer initialisation, just the piCore stuff.

There should be a log file created, /var/log/pcp_boot.log, that shows the pCP part of the boot process.

I think the easiest thing to do is to create a new pCP SD card image.


Offline ghulse

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Hi Greg,

I flashed the same .img to the SD card and rebooted the RPi2. As you can see, this time the PiCorePlayer stuff loaded. It looks for network for 22 seconds and then completes the boot. I'm still not seeing anything on my network and LMS web interface still doesn't give me a new player to select. My guess is that something in my network setup is preventing the connection.

But also, the "newconfig.cfg not found" in the boot log seems a bit suspicious.

Offline ghulse

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Addendum. I got it working. I took the ethernet hub out of the equation, connecting thecable modem to the Airport Extreme. I upgraded the Airport at one point and didn't realize that it provides a few extra ethernet ports. No need for the ethernet hub at all.

Paul_123 was right. The IP address comes through in the boot log. Thanks everyone for your help.

Offline Greg Erskine

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Hi Greg,

I flashed the same .img to the SD card and rebooted the RPi2. As you can see, this time the PiCorePlayer stuff loaded. It looks for network for 22 seconds and then completes the boot. I'm still not seeing anything on my network and LMS web interface still doesn't give me a new player to select. My guess is that something in my network setup is preventing the connection.

But also, the "newconfig.cfg not found" in the boot log seems a bit suspicious.

hi ghulse,

22 is the maximum time pCP waits for your network connection. We have just added an error message to make it clearer that the network was not found. The lack on IP address message also indicates no network.

The newconfig.cg not found is normal. There is a mechanism to use a manually added config.cfg (called newconfig,cfg) on your SD card. The process allows you to prepare a config.cfg using a text editor on another computer.

Good you got it working!
