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Author Topic: Netbootcd-3.1.1 says it has kexec support using TCE, where/what is kexec.tce?  (Read 2772 times)

Offline linus72

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  • Damn it Jim!
I was booting the new netbootcd-3.1.1, based on Microcore_2.0rc4

it says in isolinux.cfg that you need a TCE for kexec support
does anyone know what this guy means?

I have tried asking him, but no response yet.
here is netbootcd-3.1.1 isolinux.cfg

Code: [Select]
LABEL nbcd
menu label Start ^NetbootCD 3.1.1
menu default
kernel kexec.bzI
append initrd=nbinit3.gz quiet

#LABEL tinycore-kexec
#menu label Start ^Tiny Core 2.0 with kexec support (you still need the tce)
#kernel kexec.bzI
#append initrd=tinycore.gz quiet

any help appreciated!