dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions

connman doesn't work on xenial

(1/2) > >>

the error can be seen starting connmand with the -n option.
Sorry but I'm not on the pc right now.

This is the connmand -n output:

--- Code: --- Config file /var/lib/connman/econnman.config does not contain any configuration that can be provisioned!
connmand[7202]: iptables support missing error 2 (No such file or directory)
connmand[7202]: Failed to flush table 'mangle': Invalid argument
connmand[7202]: iptables support missing error 2 (No such file or directory)
connmand[7202]: Failed to flush table 'nat': Invalid argument
connmand[7202]: No IPv6 support
connmand[7202]: No IPv6 support
connmand[7202]: iptables support missing error 2 (No such file or directory)
connmand[7202]: Failed to install iptables rules: Invalid argument
connmand[7202]: Checking loopback interface settings
connmand[7202]: System hostname is box
connmand[7202]: The name net.connman.vpn was not provided by any .service files
connmand[7202]: lo {newlink} index 1 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>

--- End code ---

importing iptables alone with no deps, I see that neither iptables nor libxtables11 tce.installed are being created.

--- Code: ---http://ppa.launchpad.net/enlightenment-git/ppa/ubuntu xenial main
http://dl.google.com/linux/talkplugin/deb/ stable main
http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ xenial partner
http://giano.com.dist.unige.it/ubuntu xenial-updates main
http://giano.com.dist.unige.it/ubuntu xenial-updates multiverse
http://giano.com.dist.unige.it/ubuntu xenial-updates restricted
http://giano.com.dist.unige.it/ubuntu xenial-updates universe
http://giano.com.dist.unige.it/ubuntu xenial-backports main
http://giano.com.dist.unige.it/ubuntu xenial-backports multiverse
http://giano.com.dist.unige.it/ubuntu xenial-backports restricted
http://giano.com.dist.unige.it/ubuntu xenial-backports universe

--- End code ---

Jason W:
I am on dCore-xenial and have imported connman with the repos you listed above. 

If I issue "pgrep connmand" get a pid for it with no other action.

--- Code: ---jason@box:~$ pgrep connmand

--- End code ---

And if as a user I try "connmand -n" I get the following though it is running:

--- Code: ---jason@box:~$ connmand -n
Connection ":1.4" is not allowed to own the service "net.connman" due to security policies in the configuration file

--- End code ---

As for a startup script in /usr/local/tce.installed, if a package has no postinst file  in it's control.tar.gz, it does not creat a /usr/local/postinst or /usr/local/tce.installed entry, such is the case with iptables.

connmand needs to be launched with sudo, but since it's autostarted, first kill it.

PS. Sorry for not being aware, or forgot about the tce.installed policy after so many years.


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