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New to TinyCore Linux

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Crazy hey! On my 512 MB system Firefox is fairly smooth as long as i keep tabs to a minimum <3-4, clear cache occasionally, use NoScript and don't install Flash. When using the 256 MB system, constant disk/swap thrashing, hard to accomplish any productive browsing. My favourite is still Dillo, though most users complain of it's limitations. It can actually be used to log into these forums quite well. Have started playing with Links2, don't like it as much as Dillo but it allows me to log into gmail! Take care nice to see you again Misalf.

On my specs I shouldn't expect that my Toughbook would have any problems running heavier apps. The issue is more what the hardware will run rather then the specs on the machine. These were more made for Windows with specialized drivers to support the video and sound etc. I ran windows XP on this thing but the problem was the drivers proved very hard to find and the ones on the Panasonic website never worked or were incomplete. I also tried Windows 98 and Windows 2000 with the same video and sound issues. I ran a linux live CD called GOS linux and I got an error message saying that GOS Linux could not start due to graphics problems. I then tried the following Linux OS's 
DSL froze on a blank screen
Slax froze on a blank screen... I really like that OS its only 216 MB in size so I thought that was perfect but maybe not.
Browser Linux froze on a blank screen
XPUD  0.9.2 failed to even run
Antix linux also froze on a blank screen
Vecter 7.1 also froze on a blank screen
Core Plus worked?

There is definitely something going on the the graphics chip which seems a  bit of a shame. In terns of light weight Linux Distros a laptop like mine should not have any problems running the ones I mentioned. I wonder why Core plus works? Its possible that something else might work that uses the same things that Core Plus is made from.

I've been thinking about taking out the hard drive, sticking it in another computer and installing Slax or maybe Lubuntu to the hard drive then sticking it back into the toughbook. I managed to run Lubuntu "current version" on a CF-27 Pentium 2 that has much lower specs than my CF-28. Maybe My CF-28 is toast     

I have a feeling that the BIOS might be corrupted also. 

I don't think the graphics chip is toast otherwise Core Plus wouldn't have worked right?

Maybe if I could update the BIOS somehow that it might fix the problems I've been having. I am very interested when odd problems like this occur even though it can be really frustrating I can also learn about whats going on with the machine, I'm like a dog with a bone always getting to the button of the problem in these situations.     


Unfortunately things don't really work that way..

I think you're asking too much of a system that has barely enough memory to boot let alone enough to run a graphical user interface

You would be better off starting with Core and building up the system from there and learning Linux from the command line along the way.

Alternatively use TinyCore but none of these apps you're expecting to run will perform or even start with such little memory.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

With small memory machines, you need to put home and opt on the hard drive.
See the wiki.


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