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Install and run SSH in dCore?
I tried this again on dCore xenial and it worked. I don't know what was wrong before... but it works now.
Thanks for looking into this.
Jason W:
Simply missing dependencies as our dep gathering routine differs from Debian/Ubuntu, we can add them on our end. Thanks for your time and testing.
I've got frustrated with broken dependencies in the Tiny Core extensions, and so I'll have a go at mastering the art of package builds when I have a spare day or five!
Meanwhile i've turned to dCore and the good old Debian repos as an alternative, and it's worked a treat; so thank you Jason for your work on a brilliant fork.
But now having installed openssh-server I'm having trouble making its config persistent; I had to "sudo passwd tc" to set a password the client could enter, but I can't work out how to hold it. Some users of TC suggested /usr/local/etc needed to be in /opt/filetool.lst but that doesn't seem to even exist in dCore;
Can anyone help me with the correct folders I need to back up to keep my ssh server available on reboot?
/etc/shadow and /etc/passwd in /opt/.filetool.lst if I'm not wrong.
That's for dCore-trusty (Ubuntu versión of dCore), you don't say wich version of dCore are you using.
Enviado desde mi D5503 mediante Tapatalk
--- Quote from: Onyarian on August 03, 2016, 03:44:52 AM ---Hi,
/etc/shadow and /etc/passwd in /opt/.filetool.lst if I'm not wrong.
That's for dCore-trusty (Ubuntu versión of dCore), you don't say wich version of dCore are you using.
Enviado desde mi D5503 mediante Tapatalk
--- End quote ---
ah, that's what I thought - sorry for not specifying, my version is Jessie, but same locations there; I think I'd tried them, but didn't seem to work, I'll have another play with them. Thanks for replying.
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