Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
If i just start with scratch installl of coreplus and get firefox_getLatest.tcz and then start that to download and install.
Firefox needs gtk3.tcz so i dont know if the gtk3.tcz needs to be added into the firefox.dep file.
And what i can see.
The file onboot.lst is full of ...md5.txt
I persume that shuold not be there.
Just tcz and dep.
This is my first run with coreplus on x86... running many installations with tinycore on raspberry pi. :)
Hi Patrikg
First, yes just install firefox_getLatest.tcz and run firefox_getLatest. However until the repo has been updated with the latest submitted extension I would simply use the latest script from http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,17879.msg124287.html#msg124287 which has been updated with GTK3 and corepure64 fixes
Secondly, onboot.lst should contain only "extension_name.tcz" entries (no dep's or md5 entries)
Great, have to investigate more why the file include the md5 files.
And when the file append to this.
Thanks for the support, and i have to download the file from the forum instead.
I would use the script for now, you'll find the script in the link provided in previous post is the latest (from latest extension). Obviously when the repo extension is updated in a week or two, use that instead..
Your onboot.lst file must have been manually edited, but is an easy fix.
Onboot.lst should not contain md5 or dep entries.
For the sake of boot efficiency should contain only the topmost extension name, not dep's which are loaded by the main (topmost) extension.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have to try today to find what script that make the dep and md5.txt files in the onboot file.
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