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IceWM graphic issues in dCore-wily...

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Jason W:
This brings icewm from an 18M SCE to a 72M SCE.  That is a lot of size, but smaller than firefox. 

icewm-lite.sce imported from the main Ubuntu/Debian repo is 11M, I need to add the custom menu files to it and it can be the small icewm for those who don't want a 72M package.  I thought about adding an icewm-full meta package, but I need to visit icewm-lite anyway, and regular icewm users will expect full visual functionality and that will keep it simpler.   

Jason W:
Adding the dependency of an icon theme does solve it, but as icewm is a small and light wm, I believe it does not depend on one.  Probably a missing lib as Debian/Ubuntu only includes in it's deps the actual files that a package depends on to operate.  I will investigate further, probably a missing lib or similar in there that is not being called in with sce-import.

If you get the library issue fixed, my suggestion is not to bother with IceWM-lite to reduce your maintenance workload. When testing IceWM there are several issues, not just graphic, my hunch is nobody was using it anyway. Not sure if this helps, looking here https://packages.debian.org/jessie/icewm. Nice if IceWM provided their own font package. ttf-dejavu-core is now transitional.

--- Quote ---dep: ttf-dejavu-core

transitional dummy package

or custom-icewm-font

Package not available

--- End quote ---

...and Wheezy (https://packages.debian.org/wheezy/icewm) had been using:

--- Quote ---dep: ttf-dejavu-core

Vera font family derivate with additional characters

or custom-icewm-font

Package not available

--- End quote ---

Jason W:
I have tested icewm every which way but loose in terms of individual gtk2 deps after finding gtk2 makes it work.  Seems a gtk2 dep solves the issue, at least on dCore-wily.  Results in a 40MB SCE instead of a previous 18MB that does not fully function, but better than the 72MB with an icon theme.  Thanks for the info, I will keep pushing to get icewm a small package as it was meant to be.

As usual thanks for your hard work Jason. Other suggestions to update IceWM, thanks.

*System Tools menu fix: System Tools menu wasn't working, required updated /usr/local/bin/icewm_initmenu pathway:

--- Code: ------ icewm_initmenu.original
+++ icewm_initmenu.updated
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-for D in `ls /usr/share/applications/tinycore-*`; do
+for D in `ls /usr/local/share/applications/tinycore-*`; do
    writeMenuItem "$D" >> "$TMP"
 merge "$TMP" "$SYSDIR"/menu "End System" > "$TMP2"

--- End code ---

* ExitTC -> Restart Icewm was non-functional, this makes it reload most preference and panel changes without having to exit/restart:

--- Code: ------ icewm_restart.original
+++ icewm_restart.updated
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
-# Not needed for menu rebuild
+# Restart IceWM, reload most preference and panel changes
+# ...otherwise 'logout' then 'startx'
+killall -SIGHUP icewm

--- End code ---

* Unpopulated Programs menu on first run appears broken, might be nice if IceWM startup did something like this:

--- Code: ---mkdir $USER/.icewm
touch $USER/.icewm/programs
echo "# Enter Programs menu items here:" >> $USER/.icewm/programs
echo "prog fltk-editor fltk-editor fltk-editor" >> $USER/.icewm/programs
echo "prog xterm xterm xterm" >> $USER/.icewm/programs

--- End code ---


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