Tiny Core Extensions > TCE News
XLView submitted
This is my 1st time, so if something missing let me know.
A tiny multi purpose image viewer.
You can see any image that fltk can handle,screenshot with timer for both screen & window(color & bw),color grabber(double click),image cropper(you can resize the window & move the image 1st),image converter(via imlib2),wallpaper changer.
--- Code: ---Title: xlview.tcz
Description: Image Viewer
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Albert.S
Original-site: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xlview/
Copying-policy: GPL v2
Size: 12k
Extension_by: Nimday
Tags: image viewer
Comments: Lightweight Multi Purpose Image Viewer.
Compiled for TC 7.x
PPI Compatible
Change-log: 2016/05/11 First version, 1.0.0
Current: 2016/05/11 First version, 1.0.0
--- End code ---
Why no confirmation till today not even to my gmail ?
Hi nimday, It's been my experience to see submissions processed every other Sunday depending on how busy folks are.
Confirmation emails are usually sent to you after the extension has been accepted and placed in the repo, not when received.
Hang in there, sometimes the process can take longer but I'm sure you'll receive confirmation soon.
Thanks ,i'm glad an experienced member like you can share about this.
I didn't know the process after the 2nd sunday.
On tc-7.x x86
xlview.tcz.dep has a bad entry:
--- Code: ---fltk-1.3
--- End code ---
missing the file name extension.
Anyway, fixing that it still segfaults.
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